Energy and environment

                                               Charcoal making

Aim :-                Making charcoal with the help of biomass.

Requirments :-  Tin barrel , tin pipe , match box, Bio waste (5 kg) ,wheat power (500 gm)

Procedure :- We take a tin barrel and we make holes on tin barrel at the part of side surface at middle we put holes after that we put  bio waste in the barrel . We burn the bio waste in the barrel slowly slowly and we  cover the barrel with the help of  tin plate and put the tin pipe at the upper surface at the cap surface .We burn it for three hours  after extinguish fire we remove the charcoal in it and after some times we make a powder of charcoal and put atta for stickyness for giving shape also .we mix charcoal and aata  .And we put it in sunlight After then we give it shape like a ball,cube etc and do packing .

Observation :-

 1)When we burn it we should keep tin plate because if we not keep it ,  it will be burn fastly 

2)  When we burn it the  smoke was coming out of that barrel  it is harm full to us for breathing we stand longer for the barrel because bio waste give`s carbon dioxide  which is useful for plants .

Conclusion :- I learn about how to use charcoal in our daily life .

                                                         Safety rule                                                                                                                        1)Having rubber shoes when we working at electrical work.
2)when we join 2 wires we have to use plier.                      3)Before we touching any electrical wire we want to test with a tester.
4)Main switch off before doing any electrical work
5)Having hand gloves made up of rubber.
6)Having hand gloves depending on voltage we are working on.
7)When we are working on one open wire which is on pole we should wear hand gloves  which covers our hands fully to the elbow.
8)We should to use line tester while checking wires .
9)We should use tools which are properly insulated.
10)We use tools that are properly in right condition.
12)And tools has should be gripebal and not use rusted tools it will dangerous to us.
13)All materials which we are use in electrical work it should in good quality and it should have a mark of ISI mark.
14)While checking high voltage transformers we had to check that transformer had a compound or not .We should take in that work well certified person and high voltage equipments.
15)All tools should be dry.
16)We should not touch any wires that are not insulated.
17)we should fit switch boards at a height were babies will not reach
18)We should not extinguish the fire of electrical with water. We should use to extinguish the fire (sand).


Aim ; Knowledge about All types of circuits . 

Requirements ; 

  • Wires
  • Wire cutter
  • Screw driver
  • Board with switches and holders
Process ;
  • Simple circuit
  1. A red wire from Switch output to holder.
  2. A black from Holder to out.
  3. A red wire from out to switch input.
  • Parallel circuit
  1. A red from out to switch input.
  2. A red from output to holder.
  3. A red from Holder to holder.
  4. A black from out to holder.
  • Series circuit                                              
  1. A red from out to inputs of 3 switches.
  2. Wires from switches outputs to holders.
  3. A black from all holders to out.
Observation  :  

1) I observed the types of wire connection in separate circuit .

2) I saw neutral,fase,earthing and main.first i joint the yellow wire at swith at down word`s and same joint`s at three swithe`s 

3) And last swith at down word`s i take another wire to that and give that to bulb holder and give connection to the two bulb.

                              ELECTRIC TOOLS


*plier is used to joined two wire`s together and alsofor wire cutting and removing wire cover of it .

wire stripper-:

*It is use for wire cutting 

Line tester-;

*Before we touching any electrical wires we want to test with line tester after than we can touch it.

Hand drill machine-:

*drill machine is used for drilling in wall`s and wood and for patti fitting.


*hammer is used for  patti fitting and for switch board fitting by hammering nail`s.

Screw driver-:

*It is used for tight screw .

 Multy meter-;

*Multy meter is used  for checking voltage in meter we can know about it is three phase or single phase .





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